Technorati does some chest-beating about its space here:

An excerpt:

As of October 2006, about 100,000 new weblogs were created each day,
which means that on average, there was a slight decrease
quarter-over-quarter in the number of new blogs created each day.

As we’ve said in the past, some of the new blogs in our index are Spam blogs or ‘splogs‘.
The good news is Technorati has gotten much better at preventing these
kinds of blogs from getting into our indexes in the first place, which
may be a factor in the slight slowing in the average of new blogs
created each day.

They claim to be better at dealing with the splogs, although that would come as news to all the Black-Hat SEOs who are also doing chest-beating about how they can get whatever word it is that you think you need this second, now that your medication has worn off, to the top of the Google heap.

And finally, what would a Technorati story be without the requisite graph showing the inexorable march towards a Digital Future dominated, of course, by them and the people that they like


What baked my noodle was the sharp “have/have not” thermocline between those blogs that are getting linked to by other bloggers (and, increasingly, MSM outlets) and, well, blogs like this one, that exist to serve as an outlet (at least at the moment) and that only rarely surface into the major discussion…

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