Transcript of Kazakh Journalist Interview

Beatings, midnight phone calls and a culture of fear This is the transcript of my interview with an independent journalist in Kazakhstan.  He was commiserating with me about my hospital stay, and mentioned that he too, had suffered because of his political beliefs. ...

On the Way Home from Kazakhstan – Eagles and the Gobi Desert

I’m done with my training sessions for journalists in Kazakhstan, and this trip really stretched the boundaries of my knowledge. These are the issues that I was asked to address: 1. DDoS attacks that rival anything else in the world, taking down any journalist...

A Test of TypePad’s E-mail Blogging Functionality

It seems that more and more  blogging services are turning on to the fact that most blogging input templates are pretty damn annoying. I say this as an advocate for the medium. I also speak as one who has seen hours of work evaporate as the interface crashed, or...

Astana – Journo Professors

Astana – Journo Professors, originally uploaded by Wordyeti. These are the journalism professors from the university here in Astana, Kazakhstan, that were in my training session. I ran a little long – they didn’t want to let me go — the...