Blogging Directly From MS Word

This is a slight experiment in sending content directly to my blog from MS Word. The one step that is of concern to me is the one where it says “Other users may be able to see your password and info – do you want to continue?” Obviously, security would...

Off to Moscow

In about 12 hours, I get on a KLM jet for 15 hours of confinement (broken up by one short layover – just enough to get the blood clots in the femoral arteries moving) on my way to Moscow to start the new consulting gig for Innovation.  I’ll be...

Back in the U.S.A.

After 15 hours of agony on the American Airlines flights back from Buenos Aires, I am back in L.A., and working hard already on trying to arrange for the next big international webmedia trip – this one to Moscow. The forms that the Russian Consulate requires...