I’ve got some daredevil in me – I’ve done a lot of things over my career that I look back at and wonder why I’m still upright & sucking oxygen. But this video frickin’ terrifies me:

This guy has to have gone over this course a dozen times before trying this; and the pavement has to be butter-smooth. One rock, one pothole, and this maniac would be cartwheeling through the air, arms and legs flailing wildly, right before being embedded in the windshield of oncoming traffic.

I can’t quite figure out how he’s steering around the sometimes-sharp corners. I think when he splays out like a spider on ice, he’s using his wide-spread footskate to impart angular momentum to make the corners. Or, hell, maybe he’s just so badass he’s using telekinesis.

At the end, when he passes a couple on a touring motorcycle … wow.

What really caught my attention was the great framing and focuswork done by the cameraman. If you’ve ever tried to shoot video from a moving car, you know that it comes out looking like you’ve strapped the camera to the back of a giant Calaveras County Jumping Frog. With Tourette’s.

But this is, like the road, smooth and flawless. Can’t imagine how careful the follow-job had to be – if the skateloon had crashed, they would have had fractions of a second the slam on the brakes or risk running him over. And as the video makes clear, at some points in this stunt, they were going well over any U.S. speed limit…

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