Circuit City Bankruptcy – Shopaholic Feeding Frenzy

Optimism or Greed? For the last couple of months, I’ve been hearing financial experts mutter about “frustrated money sitting on the sidelines, waiting to get back into the game.”   I was not convinced – most of the market behavior since the...

Late Caturday Picture

Just another experiment with the Lightbox software.  The plug-in is working, but only fitfully.  I think I need to do some surgery on the “rel=” tagging functionality. Apparently, the healthy vegan cuisine does not appeal to Yuki.

HDR Sunset

This is another one of my experiments with HDR photography. Once again, I’ve blended three exposures together in the hopes of revealing greater color depth and bringing out the details.  The tonemapping functions of Photomatix once again leave much to be...

Great Design Equation

Here’s another quick hit: I really love the playful spirit behind this ad – the way that it takes great design, which by its nature cannot be reduced to a set of integers and mathematic functions, and reconstructs the evolution of great forces in...