Bloggers Can’t Be Sued

…thus breaking the heart of just about every self-important jackass in government these days… The legal definition of what constituted a journalist and how much said journalist has to abide by the rules, is one that is going to be wrestled with for decades...

Teetering on the edge

Teetering on the edge Originally uploaded by Wordyeti. OK, here’s the reveal (or the “Prestige” – to bite off the recent movie). The pix of my feet (seemingly) dangling in the air were taken on the observation deck of the Calgary Tower. No...

Might as well jump

Might as well jump Originally uploaded by Wordyeti. Looking north from Calgary, I was struck by how flat the great plain was. It is this flat all the way to the North Pole.

Hanging in space

Hanging in space Originally uploaded by Wordyeti. The Calgary Tower has a glass floor. Standing on it gives you a real freaky sense of vertigo.