Bloggers Can’t Be Sued

…thus breaking the heart of just about every self-important jackass in government these days… The legal definition of what constituted a journalist and how much said journalist has to abide by the rules, is one that is going to be wrestled with for decades...

Even Rummy Has His Defenders

…although they are a strange and alarming bunch… Douglas Feith, widely derided as one of the key reasons that Iraq descended into the Pit of Hell … a neocon Defender of the Faith venal and small-minded enough that Gen. Tommy Franks called him...

Sheik al-Hilali, Rape and the Culture of Fear

By now the comments of the Australian Muslim cleric Sheik Tay Din al-Hilali have spread far and wide over the news/outrage cloud.  In among the outrage and the condemnations have come a lot of comments saying that what the sheik is espousing is really not all...