Day 4 – Heat, Helicopters and Hubris

The fourth day of shooting started with me driving the ‘Sclade to the alley behind Ted’s house – yes, that same Ted that appeared in Day 1.  He had generously offered to allow me to shoot in the alley behind his house, because it’s pretty photogenic –...

The Trash Don’t Lie

Photos from Day 1 of the shoot: It has been damn near a month since I’ve written anything substantive on this blog,and the pictures below will tell the story of why.  I have undertaken the most ambitious, and most foolish endeavor of my writing/video career...

Embedding Experiment with You Tube

Man if this type of technology actually works, in the long run, this will allow everyone to have and share all their video moments through blogs like this … no man is an island, but he very well may be his very own TV station and multi-media producer … I...