VideoEgg Has A Great Fall…

…and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men … Welp. Here I had been recommending VideoEgg as a possible solution to all my students/trainees, because it offered a dead-bang easy way to upload and host your videos, the EULA wasn’t as...

A Hack Without a Pencil Is Like…A Mojo Without an N96?

A teenager without a Hi-5 page? The Bar Channel, a venture in the Great White North, broadcastsprogramming via closed-circuit internet to subscriber bars that itprovides TV-style monitors. After launching in April, the network grewto 88 Ontario bars and about $600,000...

When Kiev Mutton Speaks…

I’m on my last day of training here in Ukraine (I was informed that they prefer that we gringoes say "Ukraine" rather than "The Ukraine" … not sure what their objection to the article is, but OK…) The reporter teams have done some...

New toys arriving soon…

The posts here have been pretty sporadic – it’s my hope that the imminent arrival of a Nokia N95 cellphone (the new & slightly improved N96 is pictured to the right) will inspire me to put the thing thru its paces to see how useful a tool it is to...