When Free Just Isn’t Cheap Enough

Radiohead gives music away for free – kids prefer to pirate it off BitTorrent anywayOK, this has got to have a lot of entertainment execs reaching for the Maalox. TechCrunch reports that even though Radiohead, in a much-ballyhooed move, allowed customers to set...

Free Weed! Free Weed!

First we’re gonna download the show off BitTorrent, and then we’re gonna go out and get some Cheetos, and some S’mores, man … oooh! And don’t forget the Doritos… So amongst all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over illegal...

The Anna Nicole I Knew

I first ran into Anna Nicole back in ’92 or so, when she OD’d at the Peninsula Hotel.  I was assigned to do the story, and I rushed over to interview what turned out to be some of the most valuable sources I’ve ever had.  I got great quotes...

Whatever Happened to the Rush-fan Types?

If you grew up in the Midwest in the 80s, part of the soundtrack was the complicated melodies and dense (if not pretentious) lyrics of Rush.  This comes to mind because while finishing up on the stories that I’ve been slaving away at for the last four...