OK, someone up in Computer Heaven HATES me.

I managed to completely crash the Mac. as in, "The little pinwheel just spins on the screen, and none of the buttons, clicks to key-combos does the least little thing."

Happened when I tried to close out of Firefox. The whole system just hung.  Had to do a "Hard Quit" of holding down the power button until the machine went dead.  And now that I’ve been trying to work with Premiere Pro to import footage from the NAS, the Mac has gotten downright cranky.

I did, however, manage to install 4 extra Gigs of RAM from Crucial – for those of you shambling around wearing Apple t-shirts and mumbling "braiiiinnnssss …. brrrraaaaiiinnnssss " – a much better option than buying memory from the gottverdammt total rip-off Apple stores. 

Not that all that extra mem seems to have pepped the system up much.  (sigh)

I guess this is a case of the "grass = greener over in the Mac pasture."  FAIL.